Quality is produced in robust processes – everything else becomes costly and damages reputation
You wouldn’t believe how often quality and production are seen as “natural enemies” in organizations.
It’s not about uncovering each other’s faults so that you look better internally or even externally. It is not expedient to set up as many checkpoints and 100% controls as possible in order to serve customers with the required quality. This costs a lot of money, reduces employee motivation and damages your reputation with the customer. If the end customer is then affected, it becomes really expensive.
It’s about working together as a team to move the company forward. This requires a genuine understanding of quality in order to produce the required quality. This requires stable processes with efficient control loops. Managers and employees must have the time to focus on the essentials and not chase after shortcomings.
We help you to really anchor your quality system effectively.
Relevant project topics:
- Quality effectiveness analysis (incl. Q-costs)
- Establishment / further development of quality systems
- Introduction and further development of quality control loops
- Safeguarding the ability to deliver
- Escalation management (task force)
- Training & coaching (including Q methods, 8D, problem solving)
- Interim
If you would like to find out more, please contact us.